Mach 7

DGA Mach 7

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About the DGA Mach 7

The DGA Mach 7 is a championship-level disc golf basket renowned for its exceptional performance. With 28 strands of hot-dipped galvanized steel chains arranged in 3 rows, this basket ensures durability and longevity. It comes with a 25-year warranty, making it a top choice for course upgrades. The basket’s top features an angled band with a customizable name plate, eliminating unwanted distractions and clanking noises.

For superior visibility, performance, and durability, the Mach VII is unmatched. Its shielded Visibility Ring allows you to focus on the catching zone without distractions. With PDGA approval at the championship level and DGA’s 25-Year Warranty, you can trust in the quality and reliability of this basket.

To purchase the authentic Mach VII, it is recommended to buy directly from DGA for the best experience.

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Quote From Our Mindset Blog

“I don’t really think about the degree of difficulty or the possibility of making a mistake. I just try to relax and let my preparation and training take over.”

– Simone Biles


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If you can’t find the disc you’re looking for on sale, your best bet is the eBay links. They tend to have the most variations in sizes, stamps, colors, wear, etc. They’ll take you directly to the search results for the disc listed on this page. 


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