Mach 5

DGA Mach 5

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About the DGA Mach 5

The DGA Mach V is a highly rated and top-selling professional disc golf basket. It is designed with a heavy-duty construction to ensure durability and longevity. The basket features 24 strands of chain arranged in 3 rows, providing excellent catching performance. It is a PDGA Approved championship level target. Additionally, there is an optional name plate kit available for customization.

The Mach V is a popular choice for various locations, including college campuses, city and state parks, high-use disc golf courses, and championship tournaments. It is available with either mounting sleeves for permanent installation or a portable base for flexibility.

With its outstanding performance and competitive price, the Mach V has become the preferred choice for new course installations, especially for those seeking an advanced to championship level course within a budget.

Basket Type:



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Quote From Our Mindset Blog

“At times you have to learn the steps to becoming a national champion, and one of those steps is losing, because it’s all about momentum, and momentum doesn’t mean it’s a positive thing. You can have momentum to lose and be defeated. You can have 24 hours to bask in your victory, or you got 24 hours to agonize in your defeat, and then we put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward.”

– Dawn Staley


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If you can’t find the disc you’re looking for on sale, your best bet is the eBay links. They tend to have the most variations in sizes, stamps, colors, wear, etc. They’ll take you directly to the search results for the disc listed on this page. 


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