Mach Lite

DGA MAch Lite

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About the DGA Mach Lite

The DGA Mach Lite is a lightweight and portable disc golf basket from the makers of the renowned Mach series. Weighing just 25 lbs, this basket features 16 chains and comes with a convenient bag for easy transport. Available in orange and green, the Mach Lite is designed to be taken on the go, allowing you to enjoy disc golf wherever you choose.

The innovative chain design of the Mach Lite provides exceptional catching performance with only 16 strands, instilling confidence in your putts. Whether you’re heading to the beach, going camping, or spending a fun afternoon at the park, the Mach Lite is the ideal choice to bring disc golf with you wherever you venture.

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“A competitor will find a way to win. Competitors take bad breaks and use them to drive themselves just that much harder. Quitters take bad breaks and use them as reasons to give up.”

– Nancy Lopez


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