The Discraft Zone is an advanced disc, known for its firm control. It’s Discraft’s most overstable putt and approach disc. With a medium-wide rim, it stays on course for long throws and offers predictable short putts.
Players like the Zone for its solid, low profile and ability to handle wind. It stays on target without flipping on far throws and gives consistent putts in breezy conditions. The Zone’s stable finish is a plus for many players, especially when using forehand approaches.
The FLX version is a favorite because it skips less. It’s often used for tricky shots and accurate upshots, making it a valuable part of any player’s collection. With its stability and consistency, the Zone is useful for backhand and forehand throws, and recovery shots. The FLX variant’s reduced bounce makes it perfect for close basket approaches. The Discraft Zone is highly recommended for its versatile performance.