Disc Golf Blog

Gannon Buhr – Early Look at In The Bag for 2024

As we all know by now, Gannon Buhr will have a brand new bag in 2024 with his shift to Discmania. He just shared what he’s been looking at bagging in 2024, so let’s take a look! Note that these will likely change as his season takes shape, and that this is just his initial bag he’s working on.


P3X – for majority of putting, especially in the wind.
Link – Throwing putter
Rainmaker (Flex 3) – Dead straight shots
Vapor Razor Claw Tactic – Likes the torque resistant profile


Still trying to figure these out, he like straight to overstable.

MD3 (C-Line)
MD3 (S-Line) – Little more flip
MD3 (Glow) – Understable midrange
MD5 (C-Line) – Overstable, reliable consistant fade

Fairway Drivers

Gannon says he’s still working on drilling these down because there are a lot of good choices. Expect these to change quite a bit as the seasons progresses.

Splice (Neo) – wind resistant, spike hyzers
FD (Color Glow) – Flippy fairway driver
FD3 (Horizon) – Like the Splice, but with more glide
FD3 (Glow) – Straighter run of FD3
FD1 C-Line) – Newer release. “The perfect fairway driver in my opinion” – Gannon
Instinct (C-Line) – Similar to the FD1
PD (C-Line) – Super straight shots

Distance Drivers

PD2 (S-Line) – Actually shown as a PD3 in the video. CAN THIS BE A SNEAK PEAK?! IS DISCMANIA RE-RELEASING THE PD3?? Hopeful!
PD2 (C-Line)
DD3 (Horizon)
DD3 (C-Line)
DD3 (S-Line)
DD (S-Line)


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Ryan Milani

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